Prepared by Victor Roman, Crew Journalist
Date May 9 2017
MDRS Sol 11 update
Everything is back to normal. The sim was reinitiated and we continued with our usual duties. Crew Engineer Gabriel Caballero worked with his rover, Grennhab Officer Camilo Reyes researched in the greenhab, and EVA Officer Yair Piña planned his next experiment measuring radiation.
All of us worked in our responsibilities and sat around the table to have lunch and talk about the usual topics, i.e.: how to use system theory and game theory to reduce the corruption levels endemic in all human societies.
After lunch we had visitors. Two journalists from the Autonomous National University of México – UNAM came to interview our EVA Officer; they were really friendly and brought presents for him. Then a small party was formed and left the hab in order to take pictures and collect lichens in the nearby area.
Prepared by Victor Roman, Crew Journalist
Date May 7 2017
MDRS Sol 9 update
The first hours of the sol were normal. We evaluated the damage caused by the wind and found the tunnels were bent. Later each of us went to our place to continue working with our projects. After that we had lunch and as usual talked about ourselves.
The rest of the day has been different. Crew members went out for a programmed EVA and one of them had an accident in rover. The vehicle flipped twice and the driver passed out for few seconds. The rover, a helmet and a ATV got broken but the crew member is in a good condition.
However, just to be safe, a commission was formed in order to drive the crew member to Grand Junction’s hospital. The group left around 7pm and they are expected to arrive around 10pm to the hospital. As this is a very particular situation, we have broken sim for the rest of the sol and probably solmorrow.
We will notify CapCom as soon as we have more information about the crew member’s condition. However he should be fine: he had not visible signs of being hurt, just minor scratches.
Crew 180 Daily Summary Report 080517
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 7
Summary Title: (Four members of the crew went to Grand Junction St. Marris Hospital for one of the crew members being checked by a doctor. They went to the hospital emergency room and the crew member injured had a good and fast medical care. Fortunately, it was nothing serious. For having medical attention, they asked for the insurance international number and details of the patient. The crew members came back in the afternoon to MDRS because in the morning they went to pick up some supplies (helium and a package with the weather balloon). When they arrived all the crew went together with the MDRS director to pick up the vehicles. We discussed and analyzed the emergency situation from yesterday)
Mission Status: (The crew member injured yesterday is in good condition today and also, the rest of the crew)
Sol Activity Summary: (two members of the crew stayed at the hab and continue working in their projects. However, they were out of simulation)
Look Ahead Plan: (Tomorrow, we will receive two journalists from the UNAM. Also, we will do an expedition to look for dinosaur’s bones with the director Shannon Rupert and next, we will work in our projects).
Anomalies in work: (We were out of sim today)
Weather: Sunny in the morning and cold and windy in the afternoon
Crew Physical Status: Fine
EVA: (No EVAs today. EVA report sol 6: During the EVA at sol seven that started at 5:11 pm, four crew members drove to white moon with three ATVs and one rover. The rover was on the head of the caravan and behind it, the three ATVs. When the rover arrived to URC North Side it took a corner but there was a big rock on the road, the rover over passed it and lost control. It went to the left side and rolled over twice, the left side of the rover was pressing the leg of the driver and he was unconscious for few second till the crew members got off their ATVs and ran to the place he was. The accident occurred around 5:25 pm.
The crew had to stop the simulation due to the gravity of the accident. They took out their helmets and the tanks to help him, the crew yielded him to made him react. The driver reacted and the crew pushed up the rover to took it off from his leg. Then the crew took out his equipment, he was fine but worried about the rover.
Then, the crew decided to move the rover to a better place and leave it there. The first crew member who saw the accident forgot to turn off his ATV, and It went ahead for few meters and rolled over, the crew pushed it and put it behind the rover.
Two crew members went back to the hab and asked for help with Shannon Rupert, the MDRS director, and they gave notice to the rest of the crew in the hab. Two crew members came back in theirs ATVs with the MDRS director driving her truck. She analysed the situation and decided to leave the rover and the ATV in the place they were.
She took two crew members in her truck and drove back to the hab with the other two crew members in theirs ATVs. She analysed again the crew member condition and decided to send him to the hospital in Grand Junction in her truck with other three crew members.
Reports to be file: (Journalist, engineering report and EVA request)
Support Requested: No support
Prepared by Yendry and Yair
Best Regards,
Yendry Commander
Crew 180
Prepared by Victor Roman, Crew Journalist
Date May 8 2017
MDRS Sol 10 update
Our crew member is alive! We are seriously considering calling him the latino Mark Watney. Just kidding, his accident was not that serious and we have never left him behind. Thankfully he is back with the rest of the crew and we are together again. We even baked bread to celebrate.
From our perspective the sol started very early, the dawns at the MDRS are a beautiful thing to see. The two crew members that stayed at the MDRS had to do all the work of six people. It was not a fun morning. Even out of simulation, cleaning, cooking, and cleaning again is a bit tedious. We have a high morale; though, so we did it singing Soda Stereo.
Later during the sol when the rest of the team came back, we were relieved to see everything was fine. We ate our bread caked without yeast and then we went with Shannon to the place of the accident. The ATV is ok; however the rover needs a bit of a fixing. We towed the rover with the help of a local and then we headed back to the station before it started to rain.
Prepared by Victor Roman, Crew Journalist
Date May 7 2017
MDRS Sol 9 update
The first hours of the sol were normal. We evaluated the damage caused by the wind and found the tunnels were bent. Later each of us went to our place to continue working with our projects. After that we had lunch and as usual talked about ourselves.
The rest of the day has been different. Crew members went out for a programmed EVA and one of them had an accident in rover. The vehicle flipped twice and the driver passed out for few seconds. The rover, a helmet and a ATV got broken but the crew member is in a good condition.
However, just to be safe, a commission was formed in order to drive the crew member to Grand Junction’s hospital. The group left around 7pm and they are expected to arrive around 10pm to the hospital. As this is a very particular situation, we have broken sim for the rest of the sol and probably solmorrow.
We will notify CapCom as soon as we have more information about the crew member’s condition. However he should be fine: he had not visible signs of being hurt, just minor scratches.
Prepared by Victor Roman, Crew Journalist
Date May 6 2017
MDRS Sol 8 update
Eventful day even when there was no programmed EVAs. The sol started very early with the loud voices of EVA Officer Yair Piña and Greenhab Engineer Camili Reyes talking by internet with friends from Russia. The initial rush of happiness of Yair was then followed by an intense feeling of drowsiness, thou.
The rest of the morning was boring for the mission journalist, he had to clean the hab and wash an Olympus Mons of dishes. Once he was done, he grabbed a cup of coffee and he sat to talk with the rest of the crew about history. As usual the conversation was extremely interesting, there are a lot of things we don’t know about each other’s country history.
Almost immediately after a delicious lunch, the crew was surprised by a strong lighting that hit too close to the base. Coordination with Dr. Shannon Rupert led to taking safety measures till the possible electric storm passed. We took advantage of the “time off” and talked about this scenario in real life and we thought it would be scary as hell.
Then we all proceeded to do our duties and started writing reports with a noisy sand storm as a background.
Crew 180 Daily Summary Report 060517
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 5
Summary Title (We stayed at home today working in our projects, reading, sleeping, eating. Surprisingly, it was raining and it was really windy).
Mission Status: (No problems so far)
Sol Activity Summary: (All the procedures from the Hab)
Look Ahead Plan: (Tomorrow, we will continue with our research).
Anomalies in work: (All normal and working)
Weather: Cold in the morning and windy in the afternoon
Crew Physical Status: All are fine
EVA: (No EVAs)
Reports to be file: (Journalist, engineering report and EVA request)
Support Requested: No support
Prepared by Yendry
Crew 180
Crew 180 Greenhab Week Report 5 May 2017