Journalist Report 16 May 2017
Prepared by Janet Biggs, Crew Co-Journalist
Sol 5
After our pep talk from Dr. Shannon and our own crew heart to heart yesterday, we woke up with a renewed sense of purpose … and then settled into our usual spots around the Hab living quarters to read and write (perhaps a bit deflated when we discovered that there are no more Red Lobster biscuits). While we are all completely committed to our individual projects, it is hard not to feel like you’re waiting for the next EVA. The EVAs are so extraordinary and incredible! But for now, there’s are pancakes!!!
Ok, pancakes are gone so back to what I was saying … We’ve been talking about the trajectory of our mission, what we want to accomplish, and also about the third quarter effect. Applicable to sports games, academia, marriage, and even Mars, you come in bursting with enthusiasm and then about two thirds of the way through it starts to feel like work. Happily, we are nowhere close to the third quarter yet so we are enjoying our Martian honeymoon.
Because our crew is heavy on the arts, ground support is allowing us to schedule two EVAs today so we get more time out in the Martian landscape to film, shoot, and draw. But for now, we are over the moon as we just received our mission patches!!! We have had temporary patches until now. It seems that there was a manufacturing delay on earth, and then the time to travel to Mars (Mars seems to be a new delivery destination for UPS), but they’re here and they’re super cool!
More pancakes … got to go!
OK, back. Our morning EVA was Cassie, Juan, and Avishek. They struck off on foot at 11:00 for URC South Site. The EVA was scheduled until 12:30. By the time they got back, they were soaked and exhausted. Inside the spacesuits, Mars was hot today! After lots of hydration and lunch all three EVA crewmembers tucked into their staterooms for naps.
Before she crashed, Cassie showed us some images of the University Rover Competition that’s held here at MRDS and run by the Mars Society. Teams from all over the world put their rover designs through their paces, including obstacle courses and bringing tools to an astronaut, to picking up a fuel can and refilling another rover. Some crashed and burned (literally), but most rolled to the challenge. The designs and
We have a MRDS schedule posted that shows EVA times and our chores rotation (including days off which means a day with a shower!!! Although still no hot water). While half the crew slept, the rest of us, did dishes, swept, and mopped. Martian dust gets into everything so you’ve got to keep on top of it.
We just got back from my first EVA on ATVs. It is the most fun I’ve ever had … and serious research of course … but the most fun!!! Just incredible to be in full suit (no one can hear you when you’re yelling YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH in shear joy) in this most beautiful Martian landscape, as the light changes and we turn from the sun. A memory to hold forever!
Crew 181 Daily Summary Report
May 18th, 2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for SOL 5
Summary Title: Tired Marstronauts
Mission Status: Tiring EVA and Chana Masala
Sol Activity Summary: Juan made us all blueberry muffins again for breakfast, which was really nice of him. This was followed by a very tiring journey to the URC South Site by Juan, Avishek, and Cassandra (see EVA report for more details). Lunch was made by Charlie and Janet, soup and sloppy joes. Everyone then took a break to work on their own projects or rest.
Olly joined us again and will be staying over to understand the simulation better before he leaves tomorrow. Evening EVA contained four crewmembers on ATVs while Avishek and Cassandra stayed behind to make dinner (and dessert!) Everyone has been loving Avishek’s authentic Indian cuisine, and it makes the whole Hab smell delicious.
Look Ahead Plan: If the weather cooperates, Janet will be using the observatory tonight and everyone else will want a chance to look into the telescope (although Janet will be the only one working it.) Olly is staying with us as well, so hopefully we will do a crew bonding activity in the form of a game or movie.
Anomalies In Work: We are wondering if the Hab printer is out of ink. We will try it later tonight once we submit reports because we need to download the driver. If it is out of ink, we are wondering the possibility of getting more.
Weather: Sunny, lower than average temperature.
Crew Physical Status: Tired and hungry.
EVA: Three crewmembers went to the URC South Site on foot earlier in the day. Four crewmembers went to the Hab Ridge via ATV this evening.
Reports to be Filed: journalist report, engineering report, EVA report, EVA request, and mission statement.
Support Requested: Just information about the printer, if possible.
Prepared by Cassandra
Cassandra Klos
Commander, Crew 181