Sol Summary – April 17th

Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 17APR2017


MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 7


Summary Title: 7th and 8th EVA


Mission Status:  Good


Sol Activity Summary:



8.00:   Breakfast

13.00: Lunch

14.30: Preparation of the last telecommunication relays’s EVA






Experiment reports redaction

Muons experiment: tests on the scintillator



9.00 UTM NAD27 12S 4255500-518500

X-ray diffraction study: collection of data

Positioning of sound beacons for mapping of dangerous area

Topography mapping


14.00: UTM NAD27 12S 4251500-518500

Topography mapping

Issue with the probe





Crew Physical Status

Everyone is fine


Look Ahead Plan:

EVA + Experiments



Reports to be file: Operation Report, Daily Summary Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report


Support Requested: /

EVA Report – April 17th

EVA report 7

Date: 17/04/17

Weather: sunny, dry and hot

Temperature: around 20°C

Location: UTM NAD27 12S 4255500-518500

Duration: 120 min

Team: Damien Mertens (crew engineer), Elke Mergny (crew geologist), Calogero Montedoro (crew biologist), Mathieu Vander Donckt (crew journalist)


–          Mapping of two areas with a drone.

–          Telecommunication: installation of marking device that use tools to cartography the sound beacons placed next to dangerous reliefs and hence, to construct a map of risk areas


–          Mapping of two area’s.

–          The installation of the marking device succeeded.

–          Some interesting soil samples were collected.

Astronomy Report – April 16th

Astronomy Report

Name: Quentin Thomas, Mathieu Vander Donckt      Crew: 178
date: 14 April 2017

Sky Conditions: clear

Wind Conditions: windy, we closed the lower part of the shutter because it was shivering.

Observation Start Time: 1am

Observation End Time: 2am

Summary: The first goal was to set up the telescope for the first time. We couldn’t make any photography due to the problems described below.

Objects Viewed: Arcturus, Jupiter

Problems Encountered: impossible to focus. For each viewed star, what should have been a single point was stretched out. Jupiter was fuzzy. We guess this is due to the alignment of the primary mirror. Can you send us the procedure to follow? Thank you.

Also, we didn’t dare to open the lower part of the shutter because of the wind. It was shivering. We let the upper part open to set up the telescope for next nights. After encountering the focusing problem, we closed everything.


Best regards,

Quentin “Dips” Thomas, Crew Astronomer,

Mathieu “Mitch” Vander Donckt, Crew Scientist and Journalist.


Crew Photos – April 16th

Just out of the station


Coach and hoover




Quad squad


The Station


EVA Team

Sol Summary – April 16th

Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 16APR2017

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 6

Summary Title: Sixth EVA

Mission Status:  Good

Sol Activity Summary:

8.30:   Breakfast
13.00: Lunch
16.00: Muscle wasting experiment: cardio exercise session
18:30: Daily group meeting
19:00: CapCom
20:30: Dinner



10.30 UTM NAD27 12S 4255500-518500
Media: pictures and videos of north area
Telecommunication relays experiment


Crew Physical Status
Everyone is fine

Look Ahead Plan:
EVA + Experiments

Reports to be file: Operations Report, Daily Summary Report, Commander Report, EVA #6 report

Support Requested:

EVA Report – April 15th

Crew 178 EVA #5 report 15 APR 2017

Weather: sunny, dry and hot
Temperature: around 30°C
Location: 12 S 0519938 4247631
Elevation: 1333 m
Duration: 120 min
Team: Damien Mertens (crew engineer), Elke Mergny (crew geologist), Quentin Thomas (crew astronomer)
–       Geophysical survey of the area with a ground penetrating radar
–       Telecommunication: installation of marking devices that use tools to cartography the sound beacons placed next to dangerous reliefs and hence, to construct a map of risk areas.
–       Ground penetrating radar: 7 geophysical profiles collected (area of the survey=10000m²). 3D mapping will be established
–       The installation of the marking device succeeded but the localisation system needs still to be adapted (see tomorrow’s EVA)

Crew Photos – April 15th

Careful driver


Checking the zone


Spacesuit room


Stay serious


This is the hab


Bread or pizza

Journalist Report – April 15th

Crew 178 Journalist report Sol 5  15April2017
Prepared by: Mathieu « Mitch » Vander Donckt, Crew 178 Journalist and Scientist
Crew 178 – UCL to Mars
It is astonishing how the situation can deteriorate in a few hours. Being isolated, we cannot depend on external assistance. We need to rely on our own skills and training and have a blind trust in the abilities of our crewmates. That was proved during last day’s incidents, that we afterward named “the cowboy crisis”.
Sol 3 ended with the disappearance of two crew members. The dust storm that raged that night made any expedition to lead an emergency rescue, impossible. Besides, protocol forbids to go outside of the base at night, whatever happens. It is of course for our own safety, the lives of all the crew cannot be put at risk for an operation with such uncertain outcomes. However, it was thwarting to stay inside in such a time. We defined an area of search near the sector they were surveying the last time we had contact with them and decided to send one of Tarzan’s probes with an infrared camera. Due to the storm, it crashed into the Northern Rim, a mountain range north of the station. It was a risk to take, and worth it! On the last images send by the probe, we could see our two fellows sheltered at the base of the Rim.
A few hours and some minor incidents later, they were in the hands of “Coach”, which is not only our persecutor – I often hear cries of pain from the first floor when she “wants to make us more fit and healthy than when we were on Earth” with her workout – but is also our Health and Safety Officer. Tonight, we will use our only rations of fresh food to celebrate their return and the halfway through our stay on Mars. Tarzan and Patch told us how, after a weary night without sleep, they encountered cowboys. As you know, that’s impossible on Mars. I guess it was tiredness, the low visibility, and queer-shaped rocks. Or maybe they have gone crazy… We will see that in the following days.

Sol Summary – April 15th

Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 15APR2017


MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 5


Summary Title: Fifth EVA


Mission Status:  Good


Sol Activity Summary:



8.30:   Breakfast

11.00: Muscle wasting experiment: exercise session

12.30: Lunch






14.00: End setup recycling experiment. 



14.00 UTM NAD27 12S 4247631-519930

Ground penetrating radar experiment : data collection

Topography Geomatic study: fixing probe

Mapping of dangerous areas with the use of probes





Crew Physical Status:

Everyone is fine


Look Ahead Plan:

EVA + Experiments



Reports to be file: Operation Report , Daily Summary Report, HSO Report, Journalist Report


Support Requested:

Information about water consumption

Bottom part of the hab outside repair

What sould we do with the inside toilet ?

Sol Summary – April 14th

Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 14APR2017


MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 4


Summary Title: Setups for several experiments and fourth EVA


Mission Status:  Good


Sol Activity Summary:



8.30 : Breakfast at 8.30

10.00: Muscle wasting experiment: exercise session

12.30: Lunch



9.30: Watering rice plants for recycling experiment



10.30: Setup recycling experiment : hydroponic solution with different urea concentrations and plants setting in the incubator.  



16.30 UTM NAD27 12S 4251500/518500

Ground penetrating radar experiment : data collection

Topography Geomatic study : data collection

Omnidirectional telecommunication relays : installation of a first relay

Media: pictures and videos of the different activities

Issues : ATV (out of gas) and faulty probe



Sunny and slightly windy


Crew Physical Status

Everyone is fine


Look Ahead Plan:

EVA + Experiments



Reports to be file: Operation Report , Daily Summary Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report, Journalist Report


Support Requested:

Musk Observatory : procedure to align mirrors