Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 14APR2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 4
Summary Title: Setups for several experiments and fourth EVA
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary:
8.30 : Breakfast at 8.30
10.00: Muscle wasting experiment: exercise session
12.30: Lunch
9.30: Watering rice plants for recycling experiment
10.30: Setup recycling experiment : hydroponic solution with different urea concentrations and plants setting in the incubator.
16.30 UTM NAD27 12S 4251500/518500
Ground penetrating radar experiment : data collection
Topography Geomatic study : data collection
Omnidirectional telecommunication relays : installation of a first relay
Media: pictures and videos of the different activities
Issues : ATV (out of gas) and faulty probe
Sunny and slightly windy
Crew Physical Status
Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan:
EVA + Experiments
Reports to be file: Operation Report , Daily Summary Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report, Journalist Report
Support Requested:
Musk Observatory : procedure to align mirrors