EVA Report – February 9th

EVA Report:
SOL: 11
Date: 02/09/2017
Person filling out the report: Mamatha Maheshwarappa
Crew members involved in the EVA: Arpan Vasanth and Mamatha Maheshwarappa
EVA leader: Mamatha Maheshwarappa
Begin: 10.30 am
End: 02.00 pm
Type of EVA: Walking + Rover (Deimos)
Purpose: Collection of Soil Samples and photographs for outreach activities
UTM Coordinates: 12 S; Northing: 4247314; Easting: 520331 (For Drone experiments)
12 S; Northing: 4255749; Easting: 518259 Zone/Sector
Summary: We started the EVA at 1030 hrs by capturing photographs/videos for outreach activities using drone near the “Zubrin’s Head” (towards the highway). Drone was controlled to be always ahead of the rover to understand the terrain better. Also, we simulated the application of Drone in search of a crew member in case of emergency situations. The second part of the EVA was towards “Lith Canyon” to collect soil samples for characterizing human commensal bacteria. GPS coordinates were noted at each location for future reference. The EVA was concluded after returning to the hab noting down the hab’s operational parameters.

EVA Report – February 8th

EVA Report:
SOL: 10
Date: 02/08/2017
Person filling out the report: Sai Arun Dharmik
Crew members involved in the EVA: Sai Arun Dharmik, Saroj Kumar, Arpan vasanth
EVA leader: Sai Arun Dharmik
Begin: 03:00 pm
End: 06:00 pm
Type of EVA: Walking + Driving (Phobos + Deimos)
Purpose: Collection of rock samples to be measure for their magnetic susceptibility.
UTM Coordinates: Northing: 4250100 Easting: 518100 Zone/Sector: 12S
Northing: 4247000  Easting: 520200
Summary: Today’s EVA was focused on collecting the rock samples from the cattle grid and motherload of concretions. The sky was clear and the temperature was around 17 deg C as we started for the EVA . Along the water channel, we found some interesting rock samples which must have been transported from the nearby region. We have collected and marked the locations and moved on to the second location, which was cattle grid, in search of igneous rocks and volcanic ash. We found some basalts, but no volcanic ash. The conglomerates and gritstones were yellow, brown, reddish with colorful embedded grains in them.

EVA Report – February 7th

EVA Report:
SOL: 09
Date: 02/07/2017
Report filed by: Saroj Kumar (Crew Scientist and Executive Officer)
Crew members involved in the EVA: Arpan Vasanth, Sneha Velayudhan and Saroj Kumar
EVA leader: Saroj Kumar
Begin: 10.45 am
End: 01.40 pm
Type of EVA: Walking + Rovers (Phobos and Deimos)
Purpose: Sample collection for characterising the transference of human commensal bacteria and developing zoning methodology for planetary protection and photography for outreach activities
UTM Coordinates: Northing: 4256715 Easting: 520914 Zone/Sector: 12S

Summary: The primary objective of today’s EVA was to collect sample number-7 for the experiment on developing zoning methodology for planetary protection. The first five samples for the experiment were taken at a distance of 0, 1, 2, 5 and 10 meters from the hab. Today’s samples were required to be collected from a very far distance from the hab with requirement of almost negligible or no prior human presence. Considering this, the crew selected ‘Green Mars north’ as one of the location for sample collection which is believed to have met the requirement. The secondary objective was towards outreach activities for which the crew had planned to take photographs of the sample collection process and take pictures of beautiful ‘Mars’ scenic view which looked similar to Valles Marineris.

At the beginning of EVA, the crew checked the battery level charge of rovers and made sure both Phobos and Deimos have sufficient charge to support the EVA. While heading towards ‘Green Mars north’ the crew spent few minutes at the entrance of ‘Special region’ to take some pictures. After reaching the destination, Arpan and Saroj took the samples while Sneha took the photographs of experiment procedure during sample collection. Later on, crew members took the pictures of beautiful Green Mars North. The crew spent about 45 minutes at the location and then headed back to the hab. During the end of the EVA after reaching hab, Arpan and Saroj took the readings and checked the status of hab support systems. The EVA for the day was successful by completing all the tasks as planned.

EVA Report – February 6th

EVA Report:
SOL: 08
Date: 02/06/2017
Person filling out the report: Sai Arun Dharmik
Crew members involved in the EVA: Sai Arun Dharmik and Saroj Kumar
EVA leader: Sai Arun Dharmik
Begin: 09:45 am
End: 01:20 pm
Type of EVA: Walking + Driving (Phobos)
Purpose: Collection of rock samples to measure their magnetic susceptibility.
UTM Coordinates: Northing: 4253250 Easting: 518600 Zone/Sector: 12S
Northing: 4252800  Easting: 518400
Summary: The sixth EVA was to collect the rock samples from the Sedimentary outcrops. The sky was cloudy and the wind speed was pretty high when we started the EVA. We reached the Sedimentary outcrops where we found basalt amidst conglomerates, breccia and sandstone. We moved on to the second location, where we found sandstones as expected. Later, we climbed a hill ahead of the reservoir dam and we found a beautiful view of the martian landscape. The wind speed was around 55mph and one of the crew member was feeling uneasy, hence we decided to cut short the EVA and reached the Hab.

EVA Report – February 5th

EVA Report:
SOL: 07
Date: 02/05/2017
Person filling out the report: Arpan Vasanth
Crew members involved in the EVA: Mamatha Maheshwarappa, Sneha Velayudhan and Arpan Vasanth
EVA leader: Mamatha Maheshwarappa
Begin: 10:48 hrs
End: 14:13 hrs
Type of EVA: Walking + Rovers (Phobos and Deimos)
Purpose: Collection of soil samples for characterizing the transference of human commensal bacteria and few photos/videos were captured using drone for outreach activities.
UTM Coordinates: Northing: 4247314, Easting : 520331
Study of drone usage to ease EVA
UTM Coordinates: Northing: 4248000, Easting : 519350
Summary: We started the EVA at 10:48. The EVA included filling up of static tank and soil sample collection at the farthest point from the hab. Three samples were collected in Falcon tubes near Highway turnoff and stored for future analysis. This research aims at using metagenomics analyses to assess the degree to which human-associated bacteria could potentially contaminate Mars during the crewed mission to the surface.
The next objective was to study drone assistance for EVA, today it was used for around 30 minutes to understand the path ahead of rover along with 11 Satellites assistance. Pros and cons will be listed after few more planned EVA.
Kind regards,

EVA Report – February 1st

EVA Report:
SOL: 03
Date: 02/01/2017
Person filling out the report: Sai Arun Dharmik
Crew members involved in the EVA: Sai Arun Dharmik and Saroj Kumar
EVA leader: Sai Arun Dharmik
Begin: 11:45 Hrs
End: 15:15 Hrs
Type of EVA: Deimos + 1 ATV (300) + Walking
Purpose: Collection of rock samples to be measured magnetic susceptibility
UTM Coordinates: Northing: 4255600 , Easting : 518400
Summary: We started the EVA at 11:45 am. The temperature was around 12
degree Celsius outside the Hab and the sky was clear. We have
collected few samples from the URC North site area on our route to
Lith Canyon. The samples collected at URC North site were primarily
transported due to weathering, hence we cannot attribute them to that
location. Later we collected few samples of sandstones and shales near
the Lith canyon region. The samples will be analysed tomorrow
(02.02.2017) and a detailed report will be sent.

EVA Report – January 31st

EVA Report:
SOL: 02
Earth Date: 01/31/2017
Person filling out the report: Saroj Kumar
Crew members involved in the EVA: Saroj Kumar, Sneha Velayudhan
EVA leader: Sneha Velayudhan
Begin: 11.42 am
End: 02.00 pm
Type of EVA: Walking + Driving (Phobos)
Purpose: Mars soil sample collection for GreenHab experiments
UTM Coordinates: 1. Northing : 4251500  Easting :  519050

2. Northing: 4250250 Eastinhg: 518200
Summary: Today’s EVA was primarily dedicated for the Mars soil sample collection to test the growth of fenugreek plants. The secondary objective was to take pictures for the outreach activity. We visited the first coordinate location and took three different soil samples in different varieties consisting red, white and clay color soil. At the second coordinate location, two soil samples were collected from the old river bed. Life support system and radio communication were working perfectly fine for both the crews.

EVA Report – January 27th

EVA report:

SOL: 12

Earth date: 27/01/2017

Person filling out the report: Michaela Musilova

Crew members involved in the EVA: Niahm Shaw, Idriss Sisaid and Michaela Musilova

EVA leader: Michaela Musilova

Begin: 09:30 am

End: 1:00 pm

Type of EVA: Walking+ 2 ATVs

Purpose: Outreach activities around the Hab and last sampling of hypoliths.

UTM Coordinates: Northing : 4249100  Easting :  518000 Zone : 12 S

Summary: Outreach activities (with photos and videos) around MDRS and further hypolith sampling by the Kissing Camels ridge.

EVA Report – January 25th

EVA report:
SOL: 10
Earth date: 25/01/2017
Person filling out the report: Michaela Musilova
Crew members involved in the EVA: Michaela Musilova, Roy Naor and Idriss Sisaid
EVA leader: Michaela Musilova
Begin: 01:30 pm
End: 04:10pm
Type of EVA: Walking + ATV + Deimos
Purpose: Exploration EVA of a canyon Shannon recommended in that area.
UTM Coordinates: Northing : 4248700 Easting :  519500 Zone : 12 S
Summary: Geological and biological exploration of canyon/region south of the “rock garden”, which being filmed by France 2 film crew. We went quite far into the canyon, but we had to turn back earlier because a storm was approaching. We were, however, able to collect a few interesting regolith samples for the 3D printing project.

EVA Report – January 24th

EVA Report:
SOL: 9
Date: 24/01/2017
Person filling out the report: Roy Naor
Crew members involved in the EVA: Roy Naor, Richard Blake, Niamh Shaw.
EVA leader: Roy Naor
Begin: 2:00pm
End: 4:35 pm
Type of EVA: Walking + ATV 350, ATV 350, ATV 4X4
Purpose: : Collecting regolith and soil samples from various localities in MDRS vicinity to test 3D printing project and for pH and salinity as candidates suitable for crops.
UTM Coordinates: Northing : 4250100  Easting :  518000 Zone : 12 S
Summary: We climbed up the Kissing camel ridge and collected silicified conglomerate for further analysis. Later on we collected the common red regolith that accumulates as the Brushy Basin topsoil to use in our ISRU 3D printed blocks test. We ended up climbing to radio ridge for the Dakota sandstone regolith and sampled it to use in in the ISRU project. A second bag of regolith was also collected to be tested for pH and salinity. This is to determine whether the regolith could be a future candidate for GreenHab soil.