EVA Report – February 23rd

EVA Report
EVA #10

Crew members: Victoria Da-Poian (EVA leader), Xavier Rixhon, Arthur Lillo and Mouâdh Bouayad

Location: -South of the Hab to bury the seismometer (12N 518500, 4250000)
-North of the Hab to do the sextant experiment (at Tank Wash : 518500, 4253500)

Vehicules : 1 rover , 2 ATV
Time: departure at 9:34 a.m
      Arrival : 11h27

•       Around the Hab exploration
•       EVA training for newcomers
•       Seismology experiment: dig a deeper hole and bury again the seismometer, the acquisition system and the battery
•       Sextant experiment at the North

The Engineering Check was quick today, no refill was needed. We did not take the balloon because of the risk of wind. We took one rover and two ATV to go to the plain just North of Camel Ridge, where we dug a hole some Sols ago. At 9:45 we des-installed the seismometer, to dig again the hole, we installed again the seismometer and covered them with dirt and plastic planks to protect them from the bad weather. At 10:10 we finished the seismometer activity. Then we began our exploration: we left the seismometer to go to the North around Tank Wash. The view was absolutely stunning despite the wind we had. On the road we could see the Hab and establish radio contact with HabCom around 10:30. On the road to Tank Wash we stopped twice to make some measures with the sextant for Arthur. We made some pictures also. Then we went to Tank Wash and we did the last measure of sextant experience. Around 11:00, we went back to the Hab. We worked together to put the white tank on a rover (for Shannon), and then we worked on the plastic cover and we took it back from the tunnel because it was unfasten due to the wind we had last days. Then we returned to the Hab around 11:30.

EVA Report – February 21st

EVA Report
Crew members: Louis Mangin (EVA leader), Simon Bouriat, Victoria
Da-Poian and Louis Maller (EVA buddies)
Habcom : Arthur Lillo
Departure time:  9:15 AM
Return time: 12:15 AM
Vehicules: 1 rover (deimos) and 2 ATVs
Location: North of the hab, South of the hab (12N 518500, 4250000) and
white Rock Canyon (12N 520250, 4247500).

•       Looking for an acceptable location near the hab to deploy the
balloon for 24 hours.
•       Seismology experiment: collection of data and verification of the
instruments’ good functioning.
•       White Rock Canyon exploration, shooting of “official photos”, with
flags, banners.

To begin with, we had a problem with Louis Maller’s earplug. We
realized a bit late that he was not hearing habcom properly, as we
were already in the airlock. That is why we ended up being 15 minutes
late, Louis having to change his earplug.
The engineering check was pretty fast, Victoria and Louis just forgot
to check the oil on the ATVs, so that we lost maybe 2 minutes.
We began by looking for an acceptable place to let the balloon for a
whole day, visible from the hab. We measured the distances with our
feet, and found the spot to attach it, north from hab.
We went back to the vehicles and headed south. We stopped to check the
seismometer that had moved, at 9:45. We discovered that the plastic
plate we put over the captor was touching it. We fixed it by adding
rocks under its sides.
15 minutes later, we reached White Rock canyon. We managed to go
halfway up of it, shot photos of the team for communication purpose,
with our flags, and with our school’s banner. Then we kept exploring
the site as most of us were not part of the previous expedition who
had been here. We spent less than one hour and a half there, then went
back to the base at 11:20, shot a photo of the hab, and came back.
To end with, we used the compressor for the first time, and spent
about 20 minutes discovering the process and inflating all tires that
needed to be.

EVA Report – February 20th

EVA Report


Crew members: Mouâdh Bouayad (EVA leader), Arthur Lillo, Louis Maller and Xavier Rixhon (EVA buddies)

Habcom : Simon Bouriat

Departure time:  9:05 AM

Return time: 11:20 AM

Vehicles: 1 rover and 2 ATVs

Location: South of the Hab (12N 518500, 4250000) and white Rock Canyon (12N 520250, 4247500).


  • White Rock Canyon exploration
  • Seismology experiment: verification of the instruments’ proper functioning


We did the engineering check, and we filled the black tank to 90%. It took us about 20 minutes to complete the tasks. After that, we took the tank out of the rover Phobos, took Deimos and two ATVs.

We first went to check the seismology experiment, South on the Main Road, and the seismometer had slightly moved; we moved it back the way it should be. Otherwise everything functioned. We then took the rover and ATVs again and headed to White Rock Canyon. As there was fog in the helmets, we had to drive quite slowly.

After 15 minutes, we finally arrived to the White Rock Canyon. We pulled over and went to explore the canyon at 10:05 AM. After 40 minutes of exploration, we figured out that Xavier didn’t have air supply anymore. Therefore, we plugged one of Arthur’s air pipe to Xavier’s helmet, and I decided to go back to the Hab. They thus had to walk together back to the rover. Once there, we put Arthur’s pipe back where it belonged.

We left the White Rock Canyon at 10:45 AM, and arrived at the Hab at 11:05 AM. We then finished the engineering check of the rover and ATVs. It was quite hard to refill the ATVs with fuel. We then got back to the Hab, at 11:20 AM.

EVA Report – February 19th

EVA report:

Crew members: Simon Bouriat (EVA leader), Victoria Da-Poian, Arthur Lillo and Louis Mangin (EVA buddies)


  • East of the Hab (Marble Ritual, 12N 518700, 4250700)

Departure time:  9:00 AM

Return time: 10:05 PM

Vehicles used: None

Duration: 1:05 hours

We first walked from the Hab to Marble Ritual to test the radio relay built yesterday. In fact, we know that the walkie-talkies start to malfunction around this area because of the distance. So we went there and split the group into two pairs. Two were supposed to keep the radio relay with them and contact the Hab and the two others had to keep walking until they lost contact with the hab. Thanks to the radio relay, this last pair should have been able to contact the Hab. This experiment was a failure for different reasons. First of all, it took a long time to reach Marble Ritual as our helmets were covered of fog. Secondly, the walkie-talkies were too sensitive to the terrain. Most of the time, the HabCom was able to contact the second pair (who was walking) and the two pairs weren’t able to talk to each other. We think that these issues have been caused by the air humidity and by interferences from the radio relay. We will work again to fix that and will try it during a sunny EVA. However, our commander succeeded to use his sextant for his positioning experiment during the EVA, even if the temperature tended to decalibrate it. The fog on our helmets started to be a big issue so we finally got back to the Hab as nobody could see and, so, drive the rovers.

EVA Report – February 18th

EVA Report:

EVA #5

Crew members (4 crewmembers): Louis Maller (EVA leader), Mouâdh Bouayad, Xavier Rixhon, Louis Mangin

•       South of the Hab to check on the seismometer (12N 518500, 4250000)

Vehicles used: Deimos and the two 350 ATVs

Departure time:  8:56 AM
Return time: 10:03 AM
Duration: 1h07

– re-check if everything is in place around the hab after the strong wind that we experienced today
– Seismology experiment: check on the seismometer experiment, to be sure that the strong wind hasn’t displaced anything.
– explore the area around white rock canyon, take some pictures for PR purposes

We left for the EVA early this time, as we had gotten prepared very quickly. The engineering check was done efficiently once again, and we then headed to the seismometer to check if it had not been displaced by the wind. Everything was perfectly in place. We swapped the flash drive that was being used for a clean one, in order to analyze the first set of data in the hab. Then we headed south towards white rock canyon. But as we were almost there, I noticed cows a bit ahead of us just next to the road. I was not confident in heading towards them, because I didn’t know if they would be very near to the point we wanted to explore, or how they would react (even if they are just curious they could come uncomfortably close to us), and also it didn’t feel right with the sim.

So we headed back, and stopped near Robert’s rock Garden in order for Mouadh to show us where was the access towards Ridge Road. We started climbing the first hills but then Xavier experienced a problem with his bandana that fell on his eyes, while the rest of the team had a very limited visibility due to heavy fogging, probably because the air was very moist.

As we reached the ATVs it started raining slightly, so the time was right to head back to the hab, which is why the EVA was a lot shorter than expected. But our main task, checking on the seismometer, was a success, even if we didn’t exactly get the exploration we wanted to do done.

EVA Report – February 17th

Crew 175 EVA #4 Report 17Feb2017

EVA Report:

EVA #4

Crew members (2 crewmembers): Xavier Rixhon, Louis Maller

Location: Immediate vicinity of the hab
Vehicles used: /

Departure time:  15:54
Return time: 16:06
Duration: 12min


We exited the airlock under some quite heavy wind. We put the water tank on the rover, which was more difficult than expected as it was heavier than we had thought, difficult to grab and handle, especially wearing spacesuits.
We then described a circle around the hab, got a few trash items that had flown away, checked that everything seemed okay. We put the tunnel extension back in place at the end point which had moved slightly. We didn’t notice any damage anywhere on the MDRS

EVA Report – February 17th

Crew 175 EVA Report 17Feb2017

EVA #3

Crew members: Arthur Lillo (EVA leader), Mouâdh Bouayad, Simon Bouriat
et Victoria Da-Poian (EVA buddies)

•       South of the Hab to bury the seismometer (12N 518500, 4250000)
•       Hab Ridge Road, South of the Hab (12N 518000, 4250100)
•       East of the Hab (12N 518700, 4250700)

Vehicles used: Phobos and Deimos

Departure time:  9:03 AM
Return time: 11:38 AM
Duration: 2h35


•       Around the Hab exploration
•       EVA training for newcomers
•       Seismology experiment: dig a deeper hole and bury the seismometer,
the acquisition system and the battery


The Engineering Check was quick today, no refill was needed. We did
not take the balloon because of the risk of wind. We took the rovers
to go to the plain just North of Camel Ridge, where we dug a hole two
Sols ago. At 9:25 we installed the car battery, the acquisition system
and the seismometer, and covered them with dirt and plastic planks to
protect them from the bad weather. At 9:50 we began our exploration:
we left the seismometer to walk West of its location, where we found
an access to the top of Hab Ridge. The view was absolutely stunning
despite the cloudy sky. We found Hab Ridge Road up there and followed
it until we could see the Hab and establish radio contact with HabCom.
At 10:30, we headed back to the rovers on the same path and lose
contact again. We went back to the Hab’s crossroad and left the rovers
there to explore the Eastern area. We discovered the intriguing site
called Marble Ritual, and enjoyed the view on Pooh’s Corner from the
top of a small hill. After that, we returned to the Hab earlier than

EVA Report – February 16th

EVA Report
EVA#2, Sol 4

Crew members: Louis Maller (EVA leader), Xavier Rixon, Victoria Da-Poian,and Louis Mangin (EVA buddies)
Habcom : Arthur Lillo

Departure time:  9:04 AM
Return time: 11:48 PM

Location: North of the Hab (12N 521000, 4251000) in Candor Chasma, and South (12N 519500 4248500)

– Around the Hab exploration
– EVA training for newcomers
– PR photos inside the picturesque Condor Chasma
– Training in basic non-vocal communication inspired from diving procedures
– Ergonomy test for the new generation ORA-2 Optinvent glasses (confort, screen visibility, autonomy)

For most of the team on EVA today, this one was a first EVA, meant to train them, get used to the spacesuit and different EVA gear.
We left almost on time, after an EVA prep a lot shorter thanks to the work of our engineer who gave a lot of thought into how to optimize the process.
The engineering check was also optimized and thus swiftly done, so we could leave on the EVA by 9:14
We used the rovers and were due north, found the road leading towards condor chasma without any problem, and as I remembered the spot quite well, parked not far from the entrance of the canyon. We started exploring the canyon at approximatively 9:40 We descended into it and explored for something like an hour, taking pictures and videos on the way. It is a really out-of-the world scenery, that I was glad to explore a second time. Some crewmembers experienced heavy fogging inside their helmets, which makes walking in this canyon where the footing is a bit tricky all the more challenging. After a while, I decided to turn back, thinking mistakenly that the road further south would be closer to the canyon and allow to take some shots of it from above.
Instead, we rapidly lost the road as it meanders in riverbeds, so we stopped, did a pause for some pictures over a quite beautiful landscape and then went back. We had some time left, so I decided to head for white rock Canyon on the South, from where I was certain that it would be possible to take some shots from the ridge. Unfortunately, I had misjudged the distances, which are greater south of the Hab, and we stopped not far from a ridge… which was two-meters deep. I then decided that the EVA had lasted enough, especially since the walk in the canyon had been tiring for everyone, even if the ride on the rovers had taken care of the fogging issue.
Therefore we were back at the Hab a bit earlier than expected (11:48) but had an interesting EVA, which, aside from the pictures, was the occasion to test basic functions of the glasses (displaying the time), and assessing how high the issue of screen visibility was (and the discomfort of not being able to use sunglasses).

EVA Report – February 15th

Crew 175 EVA Report 15Feb2017

EVA Report
EVA#1, Sol 3

Crew members: Arthur Lillo (EVA leader), Mouâdh Bouayad, Simon Bouriat
and Louis Mangin (EVA buddies)
Habcom : Xavier Rixhon

Departure time:  9:08 AM
Return time: 12:00 PM

Location: South of the Hab (12N 518500, 4250000) and beyond Rock
Garden on Main Road (12N 519200, 4248200)

•       Around the Hab exploration
•       EVA training for newcomers
•       Seismology experiment: search for a good spot to install the
seismometer during a later EVA
•       Balloon experiment: first deployment


This EVA was our first occasion to feel the dry mud of Mars under our feet.
At first we did the engineering check and refilled the black water
tank. It took us about 30 minutes to complete the operations. Xavier
guided us well on the radio but we can surely improve our efficiency
during later EVAs.

After that we took the rovers Phobos and Deimos to go South on the
Main Road. We stopped when we reached the plain located just North of
Camel Ridge. There, we deployed the 5-meter-wide balloon: three of us
were needed to run in circle while the balloon was filled with air
(not an easy task with the bulky spacesuits). Then under the action of
the sun on the black plastic, the air inside could get warmer and take
the cardboard platform to the sky. A sport camera and a set of
atmospheric sensors recorded the ascension. In the beginning the wind
pushed the captive balloon behind a hill, with the 90-meter rope
almost horizontal. The wind finally stopped and we could anchor the
now vertical rope in the middle of the plain.

Meanwhile, we searched for a place where to bury the seismometer. We
dug a square hole in the clay of the delta, a later EVA will be needed
to install the equipment. 40 minutes before the end of EVA, we stored
the balloon and took the rovers for a ride on Main Road, South of
Camel Ridge, to explore and take some pictures. We came back to the
Hab exactly on time, and our fellow Hab-dwellers welcomed us with a
song on the walkie talkie during pressurization.

EVA Report – February 10th

EVA Report:
SOL: 11
Date: 02/09/2017
Person filling out the report: Mamatha Maheshwarappa
Crew members involved in the EVA: Arpan Vasanth and Mamatha Maheshwarappa
EVA leader: Mamatha Maheshwarappa
Begin: 10.30 am
End: 02.00 pm
Type of EVA: Walking + Rover (Deimos)
Purpose: Collection of Soil Samples and photographs for outreach activities
UTM Coordinates: 12 S; Northing: 4247314; Easting: 520331 (For Drone experiments)
12 S; Northing: 4255749; Easting: 518259 Zone/Sector
Summary: We started the EVA at 1030 hrs by capturing photographs/videos for outreach activities using drone near the “Zubrin’s Head” (towards the highway). Drone was controlled to be always ahead of the rover to understand the terrain better. Also, we simulated the application of Drone in search of a crew member in case of emergency situations. The second part of the EVA was towards “Lith Canyon” to collect soil samples for characterizing human commensal bacteria. GPS coordinates were noted at each location for future reference. The EVA was concluded after returning to the hab noting down the hab’s operational parameters.
Kind regards,