Outside HAB January 27th 2017 Michaela on EVA with SOSA(Credit RIck Blake)Outside HAB January27th 2017 Idriss on EVA(Credit NIamh Shaw)Outside HAB January 27th 2017 Rick on EVA(Credit Michaela Musilova)Outside HAB January 27th 2017 Niamh on EVA(Credit Niamh Shaw)Outside HAB January 27th 2017 Interesting geological formation(Creit Rick Blake)Outside HAB January 27th 2017 Michaela and Rick on EVA(Credit Rick Blake)Outside HAB January 27th 2017 Michaela on EVA(Credit Rick Blake)Outside HAB January 27th 2017 Rick on EVA near Hab(Credit Michaela Musilova)
Hab January 25th 2017 Group photo with the film crew(Credit Niamh Shaw)Outside HAB January25th 2017 Niamh on an EVA(Credit Niamh Shaw)Hab January 25th 2017 personalised EVA suits(Credit Michaela Musilova)Outside HAB January 24th 2017 Roy and Rick on EVA(Credit Niamh Shaw)Science Dome January 25th 2017 Michaela studying endolith samples through the microscope(Credit Michaela Musilova)Hab January 25th 2017 Idriss speaks-with-French FR2 journalists(Credit Niamh Shaw)Northing 4248700 Easting 519500 January 25th 2017 Michaela geologising(Credit Michaela Musilova)Main Airlock January 25th 2017 Idriss being filmed by Laurent from FR2(Credit Niamh Shaw)Northing 4248700 Easting 519500 January 25th 2017 France 2 filming geology and astrobiology EVA(Credit Michaela Musilova)
HAB Jan 22nd 2017 Idriss has Secured sponsorship from French startup Teach on MarsMain Airlock January 22nd 2017 Crew 173 flight suitsHab Jan 22nd 2017 Slovakia Culture night at the HAB
Outside Hab January 23rd 2017 Rick and Idriss on EVA (Credit Rick Blake)
HAB January 23rd 2017 Roy and Rick speak with students in IsraelHAB January 23rd 2017 Roy and Idriss speak with students in Israel
Airlock January 22nd 2017 Crew 173 flightstuits hanging in the main airlock area (Credit Niamh Shaw)Outside Hab January 22nd 2017 Michaela on EVA (Credit Michaela Musilova)Outside Hab January 22nd 2017 Michaela and Idriss on Eva (Credit Michaela Musilova)Science Dome January 22nd 2017 Geology samples being tested for carbonates by Roy and Rick (Credit Roy Naor)Outside Hab January 22nd 2017 Michaela conducting fieldwork on EVA (Credit Michaela Musilova)Outside HAB January 22nd 2017 Idriss on EVA (Credit Michaela Musilova)Main Airlock January 22nd 2017 Michaela and Idriss head out on EVA (Credit Niamh Shaw)Hab January 22nd 2017 The first 3d printed brick is almost complete (Credit Niamh Shaw)Hab January 22nd 2017 Roy and Idriss succeed at printing the first 3d printed brick (Credit Niamh Shaw)Hab January 22nd 2017 Niamh photographs Michaela at work (Credit Roy Naor)Hab January 22nd 2017 Cloudy day at MDRS (Credit Niamh Shaw)
Science Hab January 21st 2017 Idriss keeps track of printing progress remotely on his computerOutside HAB January 21st 2017 Michaela and Roy on EVA (Credit Michaela Musilova)Outside HAB January 20th 2016 Michaela and Idriss on EVA (Credit Michaela Musilova)MDRS January 21st 2017 MDRS on a windy afternoon Sol 5 (Credit Michaela Musilova)Main Airlock January 20th 2017 Idriss getting ready for EVA (Credit Michaela Musilova)Hab January 21st 2017 View from the communal area of the Hab (Credit Michaela Musilova)HAB January 20th 2017 Niamh hosted Irish night on Sol5 (Credit Niamh Shaw)
January 20th 2017 Rock samples from Israeli students experimentScience Dome January 20th 2017 Roy working in the Lab (Credit Niamh Shaw)Outside HAB January 20th 2017 Michaela and Idriss on EVA (Credit Michaela Musilova)Outside HAB January 20th 2017 Michaela And Idriss on EVA (Credit Niamh Shaw)Outside_Hab_January_20th_2017_A_snowy_and_foggy_start_to_the_day_(Credit_ Niamh Shaw)Outside Hab January 20th 2017 Crew 173 group photo (Credit Niamh Shaw)January 20th 2017 Rock samples under microscope (Credit Richard Blake)January 20th 2017 Rock sample possibly containing Iron Oxide an experiment for Israeli high school students(Credit Richard Blake)Hab January 20th 2017 Idriss working on the 3d printer project
Main Airlock January 18th 2017 Heading out on EVAHab January 18th_2017 Idriss is hosting French Culture day at MDRSGreenHAB January 18th 2017 Rick planting seeds in the GreenHABOutside Hab January 17th 2017 Sunset over MDRSNorthing 4251500 Easting 519000 Zone12S January 18th 2017 The HAB and its environs2Northing 4251500 Easting 519000 Zone12S January 18th 2017 On EVANorthing 4251500 Easting 519000 Zone 12s January 18th 2016 Michaela and Roy on EVAMDRS January 18th 2017 Sunrise at MDRSMain Airlock January 18th 2017 Michaela heading out on an EVAGround floor of the HAB January 18th 2017 Sprouting seedsGround floor of the HAB January 17th 2017 sprouting spinach seedsGround floor of the HAB January 18th 2017 Michaela’s students’ experiment