Crew Photos – January 20th

January 20th 2017 Rock samples from Israeli students experiment
Science Dome January 20th 2017 Roy working in the Lab (Credit Niamh Shaw)
Outside HAB January 20th 2017 Michaela and Idriss on EVA (Credit Michaela Musilova)
Outside HAB January 20th 2017 Michaela And Idriss on EVA (Credit Niamh Shaw)
Outside_Hab_January_20th_2017_A_snowy_and_foggy_start_to_the_day_(Credit_ Niamh Shaw)
Outside Hab January 20th 2017 Crew 173 group photo (Credit Niamh Shaw)
January 20th 2017 Rock samples under microscope (Credit Richard Blake)
January 20th 2017 Rock sample possibly containing Iron Oxide an experiment for Israeli high school students(Credit Richard Blake)
Hab January 20th 2017 Idriss working on the 3d printer project