Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 21APR2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 11
Summary Title: 12th EVA
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary:
8.00: Breakfast
10.30: Muscle wasting exercises
13.00: Lunch
14.00: Experiment in biology: survey of plants growth and health progress
15.00: Experiment reports redaction
16.00: Packing
11.00: UTM NAD27 12S 4253000-518500
Telecommunication relays experiment
Crew Physical Status:
Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan:
Experiment reports redaction
End Packing
Reports to be file:
Operation Report, Daily Summary Report, EVA 12 Report, Journalist Report, End of mission Report, Commander Report
Support Requested:
Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 19APR2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 9
Summary Title: 10th EVA
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary:
8.00: Breakfast
10.30: Muscle wasting exercises experiment
13.00: Lunch
Experiment in biology: survey of plants growth and health progress
Experiment reports redaction
15.00: UTM NAD27 12S 4255500-518500
Diffractometer study: sample collection
Media: pictures and movies of several areas
Sunny and slight windy
Crew Physical Status
Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan:
Last EVA and concluding experiments
Reports to be file: Operation Report, Daily Summary Report, EVA 10 Report
Support Requested:
Sol Activity Summary:
08.00: Breakfast
13.00: Lunch
15.00: Muscle wasting exercises experiment
Experiment in biology: survey of plants growth and health progress
Experiment reports redaction
09.00: UTM NAD27 12S 4255500-518500
Diffractometer study: sample collection
Telecommunication relays experiment
Testing and installing sound beacons
Weather: Sunny
Crew Physical Status: Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan: Last EVA and concluding experiments
Reports to be file: Operation Report, Daily Summary Report, EVA 11 Report, Journalist Report
Support Requested:
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 8
Summary Title: 9th EVA
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary:
8.00: Breakfast
10.00: Muscle wasting exercises
13.00: Lunch
Experiment reports redaction
10.30: UTM NAD27 12S 4251500-518500
Telecommunication relays test
Diffractometer study: data collection
Sunny and strong wind
Crew Physical Status
Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan:
EVA + Experiments
Reports to be file: Operation Report, Daily Summary Report, Commander Report, EVA 9 Report
Support Requested:
Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 17APR2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 7
Summary Title: 7th and 8th EVA
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary:
8.00: Breakfast
13.00: Lunch
14.30: Preparation of the last telecommunication relays’s EVA
Experiment reports redaction
Muons experiment: tests on the scintillator
9.00 UTM NAD27 12S 4255500-518500
X-ray diffraction study: collection of data
Positioning of sound beacons for mapping of dangerous area
Topography mapping
14.00: UTM NAD27 12S 4251500-518500
Topography mapping
Issue with the probe
Crew Physical Status
Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan:
EVA + Experiments
Reports to be file: Operation Report, Daily Summary Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report
Support Requested: /
Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 16APR2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 6
Summary Title: Sixth EVA
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary:
8.30: Breakfast
13.00: Lunch
16.00: Muscle wasting experiment: cardio exercise session
18:30: Daily group meeting
19:00: CapCom
20:30: Dinner
10.30 UTM NAD27 12S 4255500-518500
Media: pictures and videos of north area
Telecommunication relays experiment
Crew Physical Status
Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan:
EVA + Experiments
Reports to be file: Operations Report, Daily Summary Report, Commander Report, EVA #6 report
Support Requested:
Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 15APR2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 5
Summary Title: Fifth EVA
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary:
8.30: Breakfast
11.00: Muscle wasting experiment: exercise session
12.30: Lunch
14.00: End setup recycling experiment.
14.00 UTM NAD27 12S 4247631-519930
Ground penetrating radar experiment : data collection
Topography Geomatic study: fixing probe
Mapping of dangerous areas with the use of probes
Crew Physical Status:
Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan:
EVA + Experiments
Reports to be file: Operation Report , Daily Summary Report, HSO Report, Journalist Report
Support Requested:
Information about water consumption
Bottom part of the hab outside repair
What sould we do with the inside toilet ?
Crew 178 Daily Summary Report 14APR2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 4
Summary Title: Setups for several experiments and fourth EVA
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary:
8.30 : Breakfast at 8.30
10.00: Muscle wasting experiment: exercise session
12.30: Lunch
9.30: Watering rice plants for recycling experiment
10.30: Setup recycling experiment : hydroponic solution with different urea concentrations and plants setting in the incubator.
16.30 UTM NAD27 12S 4251500/518500
Ground penetrating radar experiment : data collection
Topography Geomatic study : data collection
Omnidirectional telecommunication relays : installation of a first relay
Media: pictures and videos of the different activities
Issues : ATV (out of gas) and faulty probe
Sunny and slightly windy
Crew Physical Status
Everyone is fine
Look Ahead Plan:
EVA + Experiments
Reports to be file: Operation Report , Daily Summary Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report, Journalist Report
Support Requested:
Musk Observatory : procedure to align mirrors
MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 3
Summary Title: Third EVA, fixing water issues and preparations of experiments
Mission Status: Good
Sol Activity Summary: See Commander Report
Look Ahead Plan: We will perform an EVA for 4 experiments and try to fix restroom and water heater issues.
Anomalies in work: Inside restroom present problems, while the outside one fell down due to heavy gusts of wind.
Weather: Sunny and windy
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: In the North UTM NAD27 425300 – 518000
Reports to be file: Commander Report + Daily Summary Report + Journalist Report + Engineer Report + EVA report + EVA request
Support Requested: Need assistance for restrooms and the water heater issues (see Engineer report)