Daily Summary – May 16th

Crew 181 Daily Summary Report

May 16th, 2017


MDRS Daily Summary Report for SOL 3


Summary Title: Plants, Mice, and EVAs, Oh My!

Mission Status: Quiet day of working on our own projects with a satisfying EVA right before sunset.

Sol Activity Summary:  Juan made breakfast of blueberry pancakes for the crew. We all worked on our own tasks for a majority of the day. Charlie worked on checking the water heater, but we still do not have hot water (he will describe more information in his engineering report). The front deck is also sturdy thanks to Charlie’s engineering. We have also been calculating our water usage and feel somewhat confident that we could live another week on our current supply. We seem to be using less than the previous crew, but then again, not many of us have taken showers. A more concrete answer about the next water shipment will be needed in the coming days.

The afternoon was quiet between us all, though we did have a nice discussion about economic sustainability, automation, and how that will affect Mars in the years to come. Avishek planted some seeds in the GreenHab and I recycled some lettuce and chives roots to see if we can perpetuate new growth. We also caught our first Mars vermin, a little mouse, in the Hab kitchen. Janet and Juan worked on drawing and editing their photos and videos.

EVA today consisted of Charlie, Janet, Avishek, and Olly climbing and exploring the Hab Ridge. They had a great time and all arrived back to the Hab safe and sound except for one UV filter on Janet camera (luckily they are inexpensive and she brought a spare.) More information will be in Janet’s journalism report.

Look Ahead Plan: Avishek is making us dinner, then after we will have a bit of crew bonding in the form of a science fiction movie (specific movie – to be determined.) We are requesting an EVA tomorrow using the ATVs for the first time.

Anomalies In Work: None at the present time.

Weather: Sunny, a little cool, wind picked up during the afternoon and died down early during the evening hours. A nice change from last night

Crew Physical Status:  All are feeling okay – starting to get into a rhythm of work and sleep.

EVA: Hab Ridge explored by four crew members. Report to follow.

Reports to be Filed: journalist report, engineering report, EVA report, EVA request, and crew patch.

Support Requested: None at the present time.


Prepared by Cassandra



Cassandra Klos

Commander, Crew 181

Daily Summary Report – May 15th

Crew 181 Daily Summary Report

May 15th, 2017

MDRS Daily Summary Report for SOL 2

Summary Title: We Woke Up on Mars!

Mission Status: Simulation began today and we added a temporary 6th crew member, Olly Burn.

Sol Activity Summary:  Morning EVA was successful as Janet, Charlie, and Cassandra believe they located a Mars lifeform (dinosaur) bone not too far from the Hab near the Marble Ritual. We also dubbed a new landmark – “Cosmonaut’s Underwear” which just appears to be a large pair of underwear covered and partially buried by Mars dust. Lunch was prepared by Juan, a meal of rehydrated chicken breast, peas, and rice. Cassandra escorted honorary crew member Olly Burn to the MDRS facility, and he was promptly given a tour and introduced to the existing crew. Evening EVA consisted of Juan, Avishek, Olly, and Cassandra. Very windy conditions but we all had an interesting and tiring journey exploring the area around. We revisited “Cosmonaut’s Underwear.”

Look Ahead Plan: After coms end, we are doing our nightly chores and watching a movie together. We are submitting a request for EVA tomorrow to visit the Hab Ridge. We are also starting to plants in the grow lights tomorrow.

Anomalies In Work: The air flow features in our spacesuits were not working, along with several walky-talky headsets. Charlie worked diligently all day on fixing the air flow features before the evening EVA, with much success! He was able to fix the air flow features in five out of six suits! We have not been able to fix the walky-talky headsets, but it has not affected EVAs too badly.

Another issue is with the front airlock porch. It appears that the wind has been so strong that when facing the Hab, the right side of the porch is partially collapsing. The underbelly of the Hab is also shedding siding and the tunnels are losing some of their covers. We also noticed that our air vent at the top of the Hab (the piece of wood) is warping and has been battered against the roof.

Weather: Sunny, wind picked up around noon.

Crew Physical Status:  All are feeling great!

EVA: We traveled to Marble Ritual and the surrounding areas. Aforementioned, we discovered a new marker – “Cosmonaut’s Underwear.”

Reports to be Filed: journalist report, engineering report, EVA request, and crew biographies and photos to follow.

Support Requested:  We are still awaiting from an answer from Shannon regarding our next water supply. Also curious if CapCom has any advice about how to protect the Hab and surrounding buildings from wind.

Prepared by Cassandra


Cassandra Klos

Commander, Crew 181

Daily Summary – May 14th

Crew 180 Daily Summary Report

May 14th, 2017

MDRS Daily Summary Report for SOL 1

Summary Title: All Crewmembers Now at the Hab!

Mission Status: All crewmembers are acclimating appropriately and in good spirits! Starting simulation and projects tomorrow.

Sol Activity Summary:  Commander Cassandra Klos went to the spaceship drop-off point to pick up GreenHab Officer Avishek Ghosh from his (delayed) arduous journey from Earth. The rest of the crew organized and cleaned up after Crew 180.

Look Ahead Plan: We are excited for the arrival of our honorary crewmember Olly Burn, a photographer from the United Kingdom who will be visiting Mars this week starting tomorrow. We are also beginning simulation tomorrow and will be requesting our first EVAs for tomorrow.

Anomalies In Work: Internet router seemed to lose connection last night into this morningt. Crew Engineer Charlie Rogers was able to fix it without issue.

Weather:  Sunny and very, very windy. Average temperature.

Crew Physical Status:  All are fine, GreenHab Officer Avishek Ghosh is dealing with Mars spaceship-lag.

EVA: (No EVAs today)

Reports to be Filed: journalist report, engineering report, EVA request, and crew biographies to follow.

Support Requested:  We are still awaiting from an answer from Shannon regarding our next water supply. We also had a TMI question about the toilet use: can toilet paper be flushed down the toilet or should it be put in the trash?

Prepared by Cassandra


Cassandra Klos

Commander, Crew 181

Daily Summary – May 12th

Crew 180 Daily Summary Report 120517

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 11

Summary Title: (We prepared together with Yair an Camilo all the necessary for the launching of their stratosphere balloon and the astratos capsule. It was successful. However, they lost the capsule and the balloon).

Mission Status: (All are fine)

Sol Activity Summary: We worked in our projects and additionally we started organizing and cleaning. All together launched the balloon and for some minutes all was fine. Now, they lost the capsule and the balloon because the rope broke)

Look Ahead Plan: (We will clean and pack. We will welcome crew 181 and we will come back to earth)

Anomalies in work: (The normal procedures from the hab)

Weather: Sunny and windy

Crew Physical Status: All are fine

EVA: (No EVAs today)

Reports to be file: (Journalist, engineering report)*** They are helping Camilo and Yair and they are late. So probably they will send it after 9 p.m.

Support Requested: We will call the Hanskville airport to let them know. We are worried about this capsule to hit someone when it will fall down. Do you have an advice?.

Later we will send the general report of the crew.

Prepared by Yendry

Daily Summary – May 10th

Crew 180 Daily Summary Report 100517

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 9

Summary Title: (Today was a rainy day and we stayed at the hab. All the activities outside the hab were postponed for tomorrow).

Mission Status: (All are fine)

Sol Activity Summary: (Today was a calm day. It was raining and we just had to stayed in the main dome cooking, reading and working in our projects)

Look Ahead Plan: (Depending on the weather Yair and Camilo will launch the capsule and all the crew will join them. The people from the UNAM will come to MDRS to record the experiment).

Anomalies in work: (The normal procedures from the hab)

Weather: Rainy and Cloudy during the day.

Crew Physical Status: All are fine

EVA: (No EVAs today)

Reports to be file: (Journalist, engineering report and EVA request)

Support Requested: No support

Prepared by Yendry

Daily Summary – May 7th

Prepared by Victor Roman, Crew Journalist

Date May 7 2017

MDRS Sol 9 update

The first hours of the sol were normal. We evaluated the damage caused by the wind and found the tunnels were bent. Later each of us went to our place to continue working with our projects. After that we had lunch and as usual talked about ourselves.

The rest of the day has been different. Crew members went out for a programmed EVA and one of them had an accident in rover. The vehicle flipped twice and the driver passed out for few seconds. The rover, a helmet and a ATV got broken but the crew member is in a good condition.

However, just to be safe, a commission was formed in order to drive the crew member to Grand Junction’s hospital. The group left around 7pm and they are expected to arrive around 10pm to the hospital. As this is a very particular situation, we have broken sim for the rest of the sol and probably solmorrow.

We will notify CapCom as soon as we have more information about the crew member’s condition. However he should be fine: he had not visible signs of being hurt, just minor scratches.

Daily Summary – May 8th

Crew 180 Daily Summary Report 080517

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 7

Summary Title: (Four members of the crew went to Grand Junction St. Marris Hospital for one of the crew members being checked by a doctor.  They went to the hospital emergency room and the crew member injured had a good and fast medical care. Fortunately, it was nothing serious. For having medical attention, they asked for the insurance international number and details of the patient.  The crew members came back in the afternoon to MDRS because in the morning they went to pick up some supplies (helium and a package with the weather balloon). When they arrived all the crew went together with the MDRS director to pick up the vehicles.  We discussed and analyzed the emergency situation from yesterday)

Mission Status: (The crew member injured yesterday is in good condition today and also, the rest of the crew)

Sol Activity Summary: (two members of the crew stayed at the hab and continue working in their projects. However, they were out of simulation)

Look Ahead Plan: (Tomorrow, we will receive two journalists from the UNAM. Also, we will do an expedition to look for dinosaur’s bones with the director Shannon Rupert and next, we will work in our projects).

Anomalies in work: (We were out of sim today)

Weather:  Sunny in the morning and cold and windy in the afternoon

Crew Physical Status:  Fine

EVA: (No EVAs today. EVA report sol 6: During the EVA at sol seven that started at 5:11 pm, four crew members drove to white moon with three ATVs and one rover. The rover was on the head of the caravan and behind it, the three ATVs. When the rover arrived to URC North Side it took a corner but there was a big rock on the road, the rover over passed it and lost control. It went to the left side and rolled over twice, the left side of the rover was pressing the leg of the driver and he was unconscious for few second till the crew members got off their ATVs and ran to the place he was. The accident occurred around 5:25 pm.

The crew had to stop the simulation due to the gravity of the accident. They took out their helmets and the tanks to help him, the crew yielded him to made him react. The driver reacted and the crew pushed up the rover to took it off from his leg. Then the crew took out his equipment, he was fine but worried about the rover.

Then, the crew decided to move the rover to a better place and leave it there. The first crew member who saw the accident forgot to turn off his ATV, and It went ahead for few meters and rolled over, the crew pushed it and put it behind the rover.

Two crew members went back to the hab and asked for help with Shannon Rupert, the MDRS director, and they gave notice to the rest of the crew in the hab. Two crew members came back in theirs ATVs with the MDRS director driving her truck. She analysed the situation and decided to leave the rover and the ATV in the place they were.

She took two crew members in her truck and drove back to the hab with the other two crew members in theirs ATVs. She analysed again the crew member condition and decided to send him to the hospital in Grand Junction in her truck with other three crew members.


Reports to be file: (Journalist, engineering report and EVA request)

Support Requested:  No support

Prepared by Yendry and Yair

Best Regards,


Yendry Commander

Crew 180

Daily Summary – May 6th

Crew 180 Daily Summary Report 060517

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 5

Summary Title (We stayed at home today working in our projects, reading, sleeping, eating. Surprisingly, it was raining and it was really windy).

Mission Status: (No problems so far)

Sol Activity Summary: (All the procedures from the Hab)

Look Ahead Plan: (Tomorrow, we will continue with our research).

Anomalies in work: (All normal and working)

Weather: Cold in the morning and windy in the afternoon

Crew Physical Status: All are fine

EVA: (No EVAs)

Reports to be file: (Journalist, engineering report and EVA request)

Support Requested: No support

Prepared by Yendry


Crew 180

Daily Summary – May 4th

Crew 180 Daily Summary Report 040517

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 3

Summary Title (Today we recorded with cabala Production the documentary about the MDRS. They recorded our normal life in the station, we talked about our projects, objectives and we showed them all the places from the hab)

Mission Status: (No problems so far)

Sol Activity Summary: (All the procedures from the Hab)

Look Ahead Plan: (Tomorrow we will come back to normal simulation and we will continue with our research).

Anomalies in work: (All normal and working)

Weather: Sunny and hot

Crew Physical Status: Victor feels better and the others members are ok.

EVA: (No EVAs. We just drove with the ATVs and rover around the house for recording some scenes)

Reports to be file: (Journalist, engineering report and EVA request)

Support Requested:  No support

Prepared by Yendry

Best Regards,


Yendry Commander

Crew 180

Daily Summary – May 2nd

Crew 180 Daily Summary Report 01052017

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol (1)

Summary Title (We started the simulation. We had a talk with Shannon. The  laboratory was prepared for  working and  we received the student visitors from a school on earth. Everyone started preparing their project)

Mission Status: (All is fine)

Sol Activity Summary: (We talked to Shannon about the rules on the station. We set the protocols for EVAs and the house. We learned about how to use the EVAs. All the food was counted to be distributed in a better way. We decided to have a shower every 2 or 3 days but just using 8 liters of water. The crew defined Lima-Alpha-Tango-One as the Hab communication password. During our fisrt EVA on SOL-1 we have started at 11:35. We defined the time inside the airlock as one minute before going out)

Look Ahead Plan: (Tomorrow three crew members will have a EVA in the morning. We will start working in the Green Hab and in the laboratory. We will have crew session with Leonardo Valencia  with the aim  of explaining us about their project)

Anomalies in work: (No problems so far)

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status:  The Crew is ok

EVA: (The crew drove along the road till quary Rd in the Special Region Zone

Easting 518500, Northing 4255800 for samples collection of the surface by

the commander Corrales, Y.

The green hab officer Reyes, C. take some pics along the road and helped to the commander to collect the samples.

The EVA Officer Pina, Y. tested the active radiation monitoring and the video-position system through smartphone. The systems are operating adequate.

The crew successfully concluded the EVA at 13:30 and received Earth visitors from Colorado, US to show the hab, lab, and Musk observatory.)

Reports to be file: (Journalist, engineering report and EVA request)

Support Requested: No support


Prepared by: Yendry Corrales and Yair Piña


Yendry Corrales
