Daily Summary – May 24th

Crew 181 Daily Summary Report

May 24th, 2017


MDRS Daily Summary Report for SOL 11


Summary Title: The Mars Heat is Upon Us

Mission Status: A really hot day on Mars leads to sleepy crew with much still to do!

Sol Activity Summary: Last night, Janet and Charlie were able to track both Jupiter and Saturn through the observatory telescope! It was amazing! The whole crew was out looking at the stars, quite the bonding experience. Around 1am, we all made our way back into the Hab.

Morning EVA for Juan and Janet around the Hab was successful. Juan performed tasks to test the Mars atmosphere, such as testing to see if compasses work on Mars (they don’t), whether an umbrella is needed (nope, it doesn’t rain on Mars), and whether a lighter would work (it’s doesn’t, not enough oxygen).

Midday lunch was made by Charlie – delicious mac ‘n cheese. We all worked on our projects inside the Hab.

Afternoon EVA was brutally hot. Janet and Cassandra got what they needed done, however their last task was to move Dr. Shannon’s water tank back onto Deimos. The water tank was definitely too heavy for the two of them, so with the help of Charlie they were able to get it up onto the rover. Teamwork!

We are now awaiting dinner to be made by Juan and he has also surprised us with a little “Earth Party” – literal Earth balloons surround Deck 2, as well as green streamers and a slideshow projected onto the wall of great Earth-like scenes (ahhh what it would feel like to walk into the Earth ocean on a day like this…)

Look Ahead Plan: EVAs planned for tomorrow. Juan has a special treat for us tonight (it’s still a surprise), we hope to have more time in the observatory and watch Hidden Figures. So many things, so little time left on Mars.

Anomalies In Work: None at the moment.

Weather: Hot, hot, hot. Humidity hovering around 15%.

Crew Physical Status: Feeling lethargic due to the heat.

EVA: Both EVAs today were around the Hab.

Reports to be Filed: journalist report, EVA report, and EVA request, engineering report.

Support Requested: We are wondering between CapCom and Shannon whether we can expect the refit crew to arrive in a few days? As we plan out our remaining EVAs and activities, we also want to make sure that everyone can make their flights/get back to Grand Junction. Any info on this would be great!


Prepared by Cassandra



Cassandra Klos

Commander, Crew 181