EVA Report – April 14th

Crew 178 EVA #4 report 14 APR 2017

Weather: sunny and windy
Temperature: around 25°C
Location: 12 S 4251500 518500
Duration: 140 min
Team: Aurian d’Avernas (crew commander), Nathalie Dupont (health and safety officer), Elke Mergny (crew geologist), Calogero Montedoro (crew biologist)
1. Geophysical survey of the area with a ground penetrating radar
2. Mapping of the area with a drone
3. Test of an omnidirectional telecommunication relay
1. Ground penetrating radar: 6 geophysical profiles collected (area of the survey=15000m²), a second layer of soil was discovered. 3D mapping will be established
2. Fail of the mapping: technical problem with the drone. One of the motor was faulty.
3. Successful identification of limit points at which a talkie walkie can not communicate directly with the Hab in comparison of the irregular relief of the ground. Need to adjust the telecommunication relay parameters.