Commander Report – March 31st

Crew Commander Report by Otsmar Villarroel/Crew 177 Commander
March 31st/2017
Today, March 31st is our mission’s last day.  This week has been definitely unique.  Thanks to McLennan Community College, Mars Desert Research Station, and my crewmates for this opportunity.
Today afternoon was used to conduct an EVA led by Pitchaya Jingjit.  She collected twenty-one different soil samples from five different places of interest around the MDRS location with the purpose of bringing back to McLennan Community College, in Waco-Texas in order to find bacteria producing antibiotics to combat antibiotic resistance crisis.  Jingjit was accompanied by Caleb Li, Esteban Ramirez, and Otsmar Villarroel.
Geologists, Espinoza and Li, worked in the science lab during the afternoon.
They use the regolith samples collected during geology EVAs and performed Sieving analysis on each of their samples.  They use different trays, each with a different mesh size.  Back on McLennan Community College campus, they are planning to perform spot test analysis for the following: Carbonate properties, oxide, iron, Uranium, and Potassium.
Dinner consisted of salmon and mashed potatoes.  After dinner crew members started cleaning the MDRS facilities and already started to pack and getting ready to return to Earth with the satisfaction of being part of this experience.
See you later Mars! And one more time, thanks to everybody that makes it an awesome experience.