EVA Report – March 29th

EVA Report:  EVA #6
Crew members: Elijah Espinoza, Caleb Li, Esteban Espinoza, Becky Parker
Location: 12 N 520446 4251115 (Candor Chasma)
Time: departure at 9:00 am. Estimated return at 11:30 am
Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes approximately
Vehicles: 2 ATV’s and 1 Rover
Chemistry EVA.  Students will be visiting the location known as Candor Chasma with the goal of collecting samples as well collect water sample.  All samples will be analyzed in the Science Lab paying close attention to the chemical composition and Teach students about using the Geiger counter to identify background radiation.  Also have students collect a water sample for analysis back at the hab.
Goal: Complete the Chemistry EVA.
Unable to use the Geiger counter due undetermined technical issues. No water was found. For fauna, we observed birds, and found what appeared to be several nests, probably by a small mammal. Flora observed were flowers, grass, trees, cacti and brush. There were also many varieties of gypsum.  Some rock samples were brought back to the Hab for future chemical composition analysis.
Otsmar Villarroel
Crew 177 Commander