Crew 176 Press Officer // 24 March 2017
Krzysztof Jedrzejak
24 March 2017 – Sol 13
Dear Mission Support,
I am sending you my journalist report. This time it concerns the last three days at MDRS which focused on the following activities:
• Video interviews conducted with 2 out of the 5 crew members, namely Crew Commander Natalia Zalewska and Green Hab/Human-Robot Interaction Officer Karolina Zawieska. These recordings were one of the most important parts of a documentary movie we are working on. In the interviews, crew members shared their subjective experience related to the two weeks spent at MDRS.
• Preparation of the documentary photography and video session while conducting field tests of the rover Ares.
• Preparation of the Social Media content.
These are the last days of our simulation. Right now, we are focus on taking last video shots of our crew and spectacular landscapes. Moreover, we are preparing MDRS for the upcoming rotation and a new Crew.
Best regards,
Krzysztof Jedrzejak
Press Officer, MDRS Crew 176