EVA #5
Crew members: Jedrzej Gorski (EVA leader), Natalia Zalewska, Krzysztof Jędrzejak (EVA buddies)
Location: Lower Blue Hills
Vehicles : Rover Deimos and ATV #2 and #3
Time : Departure at 9:30 pm and back at 12:30 pm
Duration : 3 hours
• Testing of black space suit
• Exploration of unknown areas of a desert including bottom of skyline Rim
On our way to edge of Lower Blue Hills we had occasion to explore white and Yellow Moon, as well as bottom of Skyline Rim near the end of Sagan Street. Our team collect significant amount of good pictures for our project documentation. We also gain important feedback for our black suit designers. Set of selected pictures (our favourites) are attached to this report.