EVA #3
Crew members (3) : Jedrzej Gorski (EVA leader), Karolina Zawieska, Michal Kazaniecki (EVA buddies)
Location: Lith Canyon
Vehicles : Rover Deimos and ATV #2 and #3
Time : Departure at 8:50 pm and back at 11:30 pm
Duration : 2 hours 50 min
- Testing of black space suit with prototype of a gas mask supported with Gaia Rover
- Preliminary studies related to human-robot collaboration
During our third EVA we had occasion to explore Lith Canyon in a purpose of testing how our Gaia Rover interact with selected crew members. Interaction was well documented by our crew. We have also tested gas mask prototype received from our partner and refuel ATV’s. We set of collected pictures are attached to Scientific Report.