EVA Report
Crew members: Mouâdh Bouayad (EVA leader), Arthur Lillo, Louis Maller and Simon Bouriat (EVA buddies)
Habcom : Xavier Rixhon
Departure time: 9:15 AM
Return time: 10:58 AM
Vehicules: None
Location: Around the Hab
- Tests of the AR glasses
- Deployment of the solar balloon
We did the engineering check; it was quite short as we didn’t take any vehicles. We moreover checked the propane tank today.
After that, we headed North, about 100 meters from the Hab to deploy the solar balloon. On our way to the deployment site, Louis Maller was testing the AR glasses’ range with Victoria, through the radio. It took about 45 minutes to prepare, inflate and deploy the balloon.
We then got a little bit closer to the Hab in order for Louis to do some more tests with the glasses. At 10:15, we went at the top of the hill behind the Hab, and enjoyed the wonderful view.
After Louis took some pictures, we went back to the Hab, and entered the main airlock at 10:55.