Crew 172 is officially done with our two week Mars analog simulation. We made it back to Earth from Mars safe and sound. Wow! What an unique, fun, and interesting experience on the Red Planet these last thirteen sols. We hope you have enjoyed and learned from our story.
The next crew rotation, Crew 173, has been debriefed and trained on all the MDRS systems, and are ready for their two week mission to begin. They seem like a capable bunch with all their experience and expertise. Godspeed to them!
Before Crew 172 signs off, we would like to thank the following people and organizations that helped us complete our mission:
Ilaria Cinelli, B.Eng. M.Eng. PhD Student – Commander
- Scholarship: The Mars Society
- Sponsor: The Italian Mars Society
- Affiliation:
- National University of Galway (Ireland)
- Aerospace Human Factors Associations [Part of the Aerospace Medical Association]
- NeuroKinetics Health Services, Inc.
- Sana Health, Inc
- Space Generation Advisory Council
Pierrick Loyers & Gwendal Henaff – Scientist & Health/Safety Officer
- GSSI for the collaboration and the loan of the Ground Penetrating Radar and M. Brian Jones
- MSI and M. Christophe Norgeot for the technical help
- National Instruments and particularly M. Yacine Addou for participating to the 3D cartography system by sending us a NI myRIO
- INSA Toulouse and The Physics Engineering Department, Dr. Vignolles, Dr. Lassagne, Dr. Grisolia, Dr. Balayssac, Dr. Maranges
- Foundation INSA for the sponsoring and the technical equipment
- The CROUS Toulouse for financing our flight suits
- Planete Mars and M. Souchier for believing in this project and for their incredible help with sponsorship
Nicholas McCay – Journalist
- Experience 360 for the virtual reality headsets
- The Space Channel for the cameras to document our experience
- Affiliations:
- SpaceportLA
- Mars City Design
Troy Cole – Engineer
- Affiliations
- Astronauts 4 Hire
Patrick Gray – Green Hab Officer
- Affiliations
- Students for the Exploration & Development of Space (SEDS)
- WayPaver Foundation
- UNC-Chapel Hill
Anushree Srivastava – Biologist
- Affiliations
- Mars Society – Mars 160 Mission
We would also like to thank the Mars Society, the Mars Desert Research Station, along with all the individuals who volunteered their time as CAPCOM & Mission Support.
Last but certainly not least, we would like to thank our families and friends for believing in us for this unique endeavor. We would not of been able to do this mission without your full support. Thank You! Crew 172 signing off