GreenHab Report – January 12th

GreenHab Report

Current Setup
I currently have all plants on the first floor of the GreenHab under our one grow light. We are growing 27 spinach seeds for Crew 173’s hydroponics experiment, I have just recently planted onion and lettuce for future crews, and are continuing the growth of all Crew 171’s plants for future crews.

GreenHab Update
The heater is still not working and temperature swings are still too much for plants to handle. It was 105 yesterday at 1PM in the GreenHab just from solar heating. So it seems nearly certain that the A/C and heater must work in conjunction even in the middle of the winter.
Photo of the new spinach for Crew 173 and new lettuce and onion.


Photo of the current location of plants on the 1st floor of the Hab under the grow light.
Patrick Gray
GreenHab Officer – Crew 172