Date: 04/01/2017
EVA Leader: Ilaria Cinelli
Crew members involved in the EVA: Patrick Gray, Pierrick Loyers, Nicholas McCay, Anushree Srivastava
Begin: 10.00 am
End: 12.10 pm
Type of EVA: Walking
Purpose: Exploration for collection of geological samples
Coordinates: 4152000N 110.78W
Purpose: Today EVA starts at 10, sharp. After the engineering check, we started to walk to Galileo road. This was a long walk that my EVA team really appreciates. They have the chance to get used to the suit walking on rocky and sandy soil in long distance walk (in a stunning desert!). We took a long walk to identify locations that were closer to river paths. A few samples were collected on plane sandy soil to measure its dielectric properties.