Geology/Mars Climate Report: The camera that was on during the night to track stars ended up making a decent video and some stars were visible. I reprogrammed the camera and left it outside to take another exposure tonight. However, the camera will be pointed use above the horizon instead of straight up in the sky.
Another camera was repositioned to look due West toward the Lower Blue Hills and the sides of the cliffs.
Max/Min: Outdoor Temp – 20 F – 39 F
Outdoor Humidity – 22% – 53%
GreenHab Temp – 27 F – 93 F
GreenHAB Humidity – 18% – 32%
Barometer – 29.43 – 29.89 inHg
Wind – 5-10 mph, gust – 20 mph
Solar Rad. Max – 387.5 W/m^2
UV Index – 756 uW/cm^2
Recorded Precipitation today – 0.00 in
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Mars Self Sleep Study Report:
The new dynamic sleep schedule we set out to adhere to has broken down somewhat. I am now back to sleeping in one big chunk at night. Anselm has been taking a nap during some of the days though.
Other sleep schedule ideas for Mars:
- Uberman Cycle = ~4 x 45 min naps at equal intervals throughout the day. Hardest for the body to adjust to initially. To slowly adopt this schedule you can gradually reduce your nightly chunk of sleep and replace part of that lost time with small naps. May only work for people that need 4 hours of regular sleep per night.
- Biphasic Cycle = One chunk of sleep at night for ~4-5 hours followed by a nap during the day. This cycle has some research supporting its cognitive benefits.
- Daylight Cycle = This is a little different than the regular biphasic cycle but still involves two blocks. You are sleeping all at night when it is dark but your 8 hours total is broken up with a two hour awake/working period in the middle of the night.
Whatever gets the work done on Mars!!
Philosophy of Colonizing Mars Report:
The initial steps of mankind on Mars will be for scientific and exploratory purposes but eventually businesses and politicians will be mounting their campaign on the Red Planet as colonization continues. For example, how will land be divided on Mars and what will the long-term governmental structure look like?
At first there will be only a handful of people on the surface and as a crew they will be subject to mission objectives and goals from NASA and Earth-based institutions. However, as more and more people migrate to a city on Mars there will be autonomous political institutions which can act by themselves. In the long term future of Mars colonization, will cities and civilization emerge just as it has done on Earth? These are the aspects of Mars colonization that need to start being addressed now as they will become more and more critical over time.
Submitted by Connor Lynch – Crew Geologist/Astrophysicist