Daily Report:
SOL: 01
Person filling out Report: Anselm Wiercioch, XO
Summary Title: Waking up on Mars.
Mission Status: Active. Full crew functional.
Sol Activity Summary: First day on Mars. Set up new water tank, hot water heater, greenhab thermometer.
Look Ahead Plan: Prepping for first exploratory EVA tomorrow, testing new water connection, beginning greenhab setup.
Anomalies in work: Hole in water line, propane smell around furnace.
Weather: sunrise 7:36, sunset 17:05, high 71F, low 28F, generally sunny and clear skies.
Crew Physical Status: Nervous, thirsty.
EVA: None.
Reports to be filed:
– Sol Summary (herein)
– Journalist/Commander’s Report
– Science Reports
– 6-8 Photos
– EVA Plan
– Operations Report
Support Requested:
– Should we be expecting a water refill soon? The new tank was moved into position, but we’re still running on the ~200 gallons or so that were already on the trailer. Not sure how long that will last.
– We can smell propane near the furnace. Very faint and not immediately concerning, but will be keeping an eye on it. Maybe have someone on call in case it becomes more noticeable.